Launching PyPardot4

I’m an open source programmer!

As part of my responsibilities at IHS, I am the administrator of  our marketing automation platform Pardot. Pardot is a Salesforce product and it integrates well with IHS’ Salesforce database. However, there are elements of the the database that we want to use in Pardot but Pardot could not access.

There is a Pardot API, which means one can theoretically create computer code to perform actions with Pardot beyond the official features. I found PyPardot, a Python package for accessing the Pardot API. However, it was written for an outdated version of the API and the author is no longer maintaining the package. Luckily, the author released the package as an open source project on GitHub.

Over the past few days, I have updated the package for compatibility with the latest version (4) of the Pardot API! It is now available on PyPI and the code & reference wiki are available on GitHub.

I have already used my new package PyPardot4 to accomplish some of our needs at IHS and I am excited to put it to further use. However, I have already learned so much including:

  • How to call an API from Python
  • What a fully object-oriented programming project looks like from top to bottom
  • How to contribute to and create open source programming projects on GitHub
  • How to upload a Python package to PyPi (the Python Package Index)

Don’t Just Study, Practice

In my work on marketing operations for the Institute for Humane Studies, I am working with our fundraising team on an online advertising campaign. We have posted ads on websites where potential IHS donors might visit. When people click on our ads, they are taken to landing pages on IHS’ Learn Liberty website.

Landing pages are web pages designed to drive visitors to action. In this case, we want folks to sign up for email updates from Learn Liberty and make a donation to the project.

We are disappointed in the results so far, so we got on the phone with an agency helping us with the project. It turns out a decent number of people are clicking on our ads and checking out our landing pages, but they are not signing up for emails or making donations.


Our representatives at the agency went through our landing pages with us and pointed out a few changes we could make to possibly improve performance. These were pretty simple changes such as moving the email signup form towards the top and putting our calls to action in an eye-catching gold font.

I should have known better. In fact, I did know better.

As part of getting up to speed for this job I have been researching and studying digital marketing, including building landing pages. Having your calls to action easy to find and “above the fold” is basic advice I already learned.

But I hadn’t put it into practice. I hadn’t built a landing page for a real fundraising project before.

As I continue to do this work and build my skills, I expect I’ll make mistakes in building landing pages and other areas. At some point, the basics of building effective landing pages might become automatic so I can focus on testing more elements for best performance.

Studying will help you try but mastery will only come from practice.

What I’m Working On

Three months ago I started a new job at the Institute for Humane Studies (IHS). My role is focused on digital marketing, in particular marketing automation and marketing analytics. So far I have found the work challenging, interesting, and rewarding.

Marketing automation is the use of software to “automatically” handle marketing tasks. For example, if a potential customer visits your webpage for a product but doesn’t purchase it, you can automatically send them an email with more information (assuming they have granted us permission to email them, of course!) Done properly, you can connect all areas of digital marketing: email, social media, websites, etc. I came in with the preparation for our marketing automation platform finished and was responsible for launching it with training and support. For the most part, this has gone smoothly and it is now used daily to great success. There are more powerful features we haven’t scratched the surface of yet.

Marketing analytics is simply the collection and analysis of marketing data. Working at a non-profit, sales can be a little tricky to define. While a sale is straightforward for our fundraising team, for our programs team it is a more complex question. At IHS, “sales” are more or less participations in our programs, such as PhD scholarships and research seminars. On this front, I have made progress in our ability to collect marketing data in an accessible manner. The next step is to analyze this data and use insights to improve our work.

At IHS we engage with students and professors around the country to encourage the study and advancement of freedom. If you look at higher education today, there is a dire need for the spread of classical liberal ideas throughout academia. I’m proud to be playing a part in furthering this mission while gaining valuable experience in marketing techniques along the way.