What is next for the Supreme Court?

Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid changed the requirement from 60 to 51 votes for federal judgeships in 2013.

In 2016 Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell extended that requirement to Supreme Court nominations and then refused to hold a vote on Merrick Garland, who was nominated for the Supreme Court by President Barack Obama.

Now in 2018, an allegation (well, now there are multiple allegations) that Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh committed sexual assault was not put forward until the last possible moment by Senator Dianne Feinstein. Even granting the allegation is truthful, it was announced on the basis of political expediency. Bringing forward a charge of misconduct as a minor is certainly novel, although the charged offense is quite serious.

While everyone following politics is focused on whether or not Kavanaugh will be confirmed, I’m wondering what is next? What will be the next change to the Supreme Court nomination process? I have two guesses:

  1. Court Packing. A number of left-wing voices have advocated for this strategy if they regain federal power. 
  2. Impeachment proceedings against Kavanaugh. If he is confirmed, many will maintain he lied under oath by denying the sexual assault allegations.

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