The Medium of Spoken Word

When I first heard about podcasts, I didn’t understand the appeal.

I enjoy watching the Dan Patrick Show. To keep up with the show, I started listening to it in podcast form. Now I listen to a number of podcasts daily. This really picked up when I got on a regular workout schedule. My time in the gym lifting weights is the perfect setting to listen to a podcast.

I have even started my own podcast, the Social Change Podcast.

The other day I was reading a post from one of my two favorite bloggers. I eat up everything he writes. But for the first time I found myself thinking, “man, I really wish the author was delivering this as a podcast”. I am now pondering two questions:

Why is that? Why is a podcast (or audiobook, or whatever it would be called for this medium) preferable to reading the blog post? I think it’s worth noting I was reading this on my phone while walking up the street to get dinner. In a situation like this, especially in a busy city, listening while keeping my eyes alert is clearly preferable to having my eyes glued on my phone while I stroll.

What opportunities can spring from that? What other types of content can be delivered via spoken word that aren’t already (or at least not frequently enough)?

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