On Walmart and Uber

“They don’t think it be like it is, but it do” – Oscar Gamble

Most people think Walmart is unique because it pays low wages. It is actually unique because of superior supply chain management. Most people think Uber is unique because it treats drivers like contractors not employees. It is actually unique because it disperses capital ownership.

The Medium of Spoken Word

When I first heard about podcasts, I didn’t understand the appeal.

I enjoy watching the Dan Patrick Show. To keep up with the show, I started listening to it in podcast form. Now I listen to a number of podcasts daily. This really picked up when I got on a regular workout schedule. My time in the gym lifting weights is the perfect setting to listen to a podcast.

I have even started my own podcast, the Social Change Podcast.

The other day I was reading a post from one of my two favorite bloggers. I eat up everything he writes. But for the first time I found myself thinking, “man, I really wish the author was delivering this as a podcast”. I am now pondering two questions:

Why is that? Why is a podcast (or audiobook, or whatever it would be called for this medium) preferable to reading the blog post? I think it’s worth noting I was reading this on my phone while walking up the street to get dinner. In a situation like this, especially in a busy city, listening while keeping my eyes alert is clearly preferable to having my eyes glued on my phone while I stroll.

What opportunities can spring from that? What other types of content can be delivered via spoken word that aren’t already (or at least not frequently enough)?